Thursday, July 26, 2007


Jeanne's Original Post


Jeanne starts her post, shouting as always. I'm not sure what this means, but maybe she's excited about being another year older?

I hope you had a great birthday, Jeanne. But please stop saying that you're younger looking than other 44 year olds. First of all, I've seen your picture before and it's not true. You do look your age. And you should be proud of that. 44 is not that old at all!

Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hey, this is all $150,000 will buy? But my good CEHHTHOLIC KIDS NEED A YARRD.

Jeanne's Original Post

My first issue with this post is the title. It is common place for Jeanne, when dealing with what she perceives to be a family issue, to elongate words in strange ways to make parents sound like idiots. I'm sure thinking of parents and SAHM's as stupid will go down beautifully with the parents whose students she'll be teaching. I guarantee if I found out my child's teacher had such disdain for me as a mother, I'd have him out of her class so fast your head would spin.

Now, Monahan (if I remember correctly) is trying to create a distinctly Catholic community. I don't know if it can or should be done in this day and age. I'm of the mind that our job as Christians is not to withdraw from society, but to transform it with the help of the Holy Spirit. But I digress. These appear to be starter homes, and in the price range of similar style homes in other areas. In fact, with home prices being what they are in Florida, this may in fact be quite reasonable. Perfect for a couple starting out.

How that makes Monahan greedy, I'm not sure. Perhaps he shouldn't make money? I've never quite understood that idea. I'd think he was greedy if he were grossly overcharging, or swindling people in some way, not just because he's making money. I mean, I'll bet Jeanne will make money in her teaching job, but I'm sure she doesn't think she's greedy for taking taxpayer money in exchange for her work. Why should she?

In addition the idea that "good Catholic kids need a yard" is utterly absurd. There are good Catholic children all over the world, including the United States who don't have yards. Yards are nice and all, but hardly a necessity of life. I tire of Mrs. Stark's simplistic view of parents as twittering idiots incapable of any deep or rational thought, especially if they are religious. After all, if she were to become a parent herself as she hopes, wouldn't she then too become a Catholic mother? But I'm sure she'd be much better than the rest of us. Proud that she puts her child in daycare and doesn't keep a clean house.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think SAHM's have the market cornered on good parenting, nor do I think that having a messy house makes you a bad mother. It's just the disdain for those who are different than her that gets to me. And it makes me wonder, if I tire of hearing it just in her blog, how tired must she be? After all, I can turn off the computer...navigate away from the page. But she has to live with her bitterness day in and day out.

For the sake of her health I hope that she vents these ideas on her blog and then is fine. It scares me to think that she's like this in real life.

Jeanne has a message sent to the Brownback for President campaign.

Jeanne's Original Post

I actually applaud Jeanne's interest in politics and her concern for a social gospel, like helping to ensure that people can get an education, or ensuring that children have access to healthcare. Once again, it is not what she's saying, but the way she is saying it.



Also, I wish Jeanne could understand that not all Republicans, even religious ones, consider themselves to be part of the "religious right".

Jeanne Says: Be a good Cahthoic Stay at home Maaahm, but I don't think you will be able to afford a Lovely home at AveMaria

Jeanne's Original Post

A post where the title says it all. Different families live at different levels of wealth and prosperity. Some families with a SAHM could afford to live in a $400k home. Others could not. That's life, and really has nothing to do with SAHM's. In fact, the same holds true for two income households.

I hope you're right, Jeanne, and that you don't struggle as you attempt to adopt. But I'm sure people will buy those homes. Because people who want to make money don't build homes that no one will buy, or can afford to buy in a certain area. It wouldn't make good business sense.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Jeanne Says: Ok, so Ave Maria is going to open. Just wait until they see the cost of the housing nearby.

Jeanne's Original Post

"Can you afford a $400,000 house in this new community? And don't believe anything about the traffic. It is not Ann Arbor or hillbilly Michigan. Bring the sunscreen. Live here and you are going to get burned. I have done it before and well, the people in the area are not as nice. I live three hours from this place. It is to the south of us."

Jeanne is very concerned about the cost of living in this new Catholic community. My guess is that she's really hostile to the idea of a Catholic community because she's convinced that it's full of jumper-wearing homeschoolers kneeling at perfect 90 degree angles while silently judging her. But that's just my opinion.

Once again I'm surprised that a woman with a degree in journalism has no more flair for writing than this. Some of it doesn't even make sense. What does the cost of living at Ave Maria have to do with wearing sunscreen? And since this is a new community, how could she know how nice the people will be who choose to live there?