Saturday, June 14, 2008

Answering Jeanne

Jeanne's original posts can be found at

Jeanne says:
Hey the other side... you are not as widely read as I am

Well, Jeanne your statement would be accurate if that were my main blog. But it's not. My main blog can be found at

Upon first glance one might think that my homeschool blog hasn't been too widely read. But it's actually in it's 3rd home. It started at blogger, moved to blog-city, and now to wordpress. It was over 500,000 hits when it moved most recently. This blog was created only to answer you Jeanne because you wouldn't allow my comments on your blog. I always sent comments that were kind and respectful, but you didn't post them because they disagreed with you. And that's okay. It's your blog and you can post whatever comments you see fit. I'll just answer your posts here. But please don't say that it's because the comments weren't nice. That's simply not true.

"I haven't been to adoration in some time, personally."


Maybe you should.

You're probably right. But I have long learned that I don't have to be in a special chapel to find time with God. For me, getting to adoration is difficult with work schedules and small children. Thankfully our God is big enough to let me worship Him anywhere.

If this internet troll on findmeinfloridaagain2 would shut up I will turn the comments back on and reject them Did Amy Wellborn have this problem? I think maybe she did. But like her I turn my comments off when I needed to do so.

As you are so fond of reminding your readers, the internet offers a forum for free speech. I have never once asked you to shut up, nor will I do so unless I feel particularly motivated.

Those ladies on findmeinfloridaagain2 are trolls. What is a troll?

In fairness, as you pointed out, this isn't exactly a widely read blog. But I'm not a troll, just a blogger who couldn't comment on your posts.

An internet troll is defined as:
"In the context of the Internet, a troll is a person who makes inflammatory or comments, which by effect or design cause disruptions in discourse, or a post made by such a person. Trolling can be described as a breaching experiment, which, because of the use of an alternate persona, allows for normal social boundaries and rules of etiquette to be tested or otherwise broken, without serious consequences."

Unfortunately you are misapplying the definition in this case. No alternate persona here. You know exactly who I am. We were in a buddy group together on Ovusoft before you were banned. Repeatedly. I believe it's actually you who has made a habit of making inflammatory comments. All I have done here is create a place where the things you talk about can be discussed regardless of one's opinion.

You've created a blog that shares your view. Good for you. But this one will continue to express a contrary opinion and allow others to speak (so long as it's appropriate).

Also, I think it's fair to share with the readers that Jeanne knows about my homeschooling blog and my journal that I kept at LiveJournal. In fact Jeanne posted anonymously on both (I know it's her because of her IP address) threatening to turn me in to the local authorities for homeschooling my children.

In every encounter with Jeanne I have attempted to be respectful and allow her to share her opinion as I share mine. But it's Jeanne who made physical threats on my person that got her banned from our message board, Jeanne who threatens to turn me in to the authorities because she doesn't approve of how I parent, and Jeanne who repeatedly tells me to shut up.

Not exactly the non-judgmental, laid back beach chick she presents herself to be.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Finally Found This Blog, Jeanne?

What took you so long? I sent you the link months and months ago.

Jeanne's Original Post

COPY CAT'N IS A SIN. I am too busy for this stuff. This person has nothing else to doShut it down or I call Blogger personally.

I always thought it was the sincerest form of flattery. But I guess you say tomato...
As for Blogger, I can't imagine what I'm doing that's against their TOS. I always quote you and provide a link to anything you've said. Aren't you the one who's always saying that you have freedom of speech? Well guess what? So do I. Still, feel free to find scripture to back up your claim that this blog is a sin. I'm listening.

Jealous little fiend? Show thy face. I am at Franciscan University until the end of the month.

Jealous of what? I tried commenting on your blog to have a discourse about the subjects you blogged about. While you were very excited about your own freedom of speech, you didn't extend that same freedom to others. That's certainly your right. After all, it's your blog. But you write about a number of subjects that I think should be challenged. Since you wouldn't allow it on your site, I started my own in which I could answer you. Sorry you don't like it. But honestly, that has nothing to do with jealousy or a desire to meet you. Or was it that you wanted to meet me? If so, you'll have to come to Minnesota.

If you don't, this shows what type of person you are: small minded and must be told what to do.

Really? That's what it means? If that's what you think, Jeanne, I'm okay with it. But let's look at it this way: which one of us has told the other to not use their free speech? Which one of us doesn't allow comments on their blog posts? Which one of us is afraid of healthy challenge in their thought?

Add that to not being able to go to the beach.

You have a stick up your God given behind.

I can go to the beach. I just get on a plane and go to my parents house in California. I grew up near the beach. Frankly, you can have it. I'm not a beach girl. I'm fair skinned and I burned. I think you are too. I do love the ocean and all of it's many animals, but sitting on a towel isn't for me. Honestly, I'm not really an outdoorsy girl at all. I'm a geeky, sit around the house and read fantasy novels girl. But who am I to judge beach lovers? You enjoy it!

As for the stick comment, I can only say that it sounds kinda harsh from a beach loving, easy going gal like yourself. There's room on the internet for both of us, and for two different opinions. Really. Feel free to come here and read a different perspective anytime. Perhaps one day you'll see that people can have a different opinion than yours and still not be out to get you.

Because I'm not out to get you. I'm just trying to present a different side of the things you like to talk about.