So here we go.
From this post, published April 16th 2011:
I love that:
Oh yeah. I have to laugh. Those Faith and Family ladies do not want to meet me because I will look at them with my sunglasses half on my nose and ask them "who are you?"Is then followed with:
I love God's peopleAnd:
I try not to be haughty here.Of course you don't, Jean. you just complain about how everyone looks down on poor 'ickle Jean while saying things like:
Most of those micro poly wanna cracker quasi religio folks can't even manage their own lives much less mine. They do not know how to keep it simple. Many of them never will. Many of them do not know what a real relationship with the Blessed Trinity really is. It is all about an over emphasis on externals and nothing about the internal life.I'm feeling the love, aren't you? Of course, she's right, people who live up North generally don't have Florida drivers licenses. {Insert seriously perplexed and confused look here}
Still, my favorite quote from this blog post has got to be:
I do this blog for NOTHING. I do it for the sheer enjoyment of it. I do not get paid to do this and THERE IS NO ADVERTISING TO INFLUENCE WHAT i CAN AND CANNOT WRITE.She just had to go all caps again, didn't she? It's sweet that she writes her blog for her own enjoyment (I guarantee no one enjoys reading it) but isn't it possible that no one would want to advertise on her godawful poorly written, hot mess of a blog? I think so. I wonder if she'll threaten to sue me again for saying that?
Now, on to the next post!
This post, published on April 16th 2011. It's like the third post in a day from the woman who's not going to blog anymore.
You can't really understand the beauty of this post without the title:
CONDOMS FOR 11 YEAR OLDS HAPPEN UP NORTH IN THE DIOCESES WHERE MOST HOMESCHOOLERS AND FAITH AND FAMILY LIVE LADIES LIVE. ISOLATION IS NOT GOOD. SIC KEEP DOING IT.Right, because no one homeschools in Florida, and no one from Faith and Family live South of the Mason Dixon Line.
She goes on to say:
In Florida, the majority of school districts and all of the Florida Metro diocese schools teach ABSTINENCE.Jean is correct about Florida largely teaching abstinence. And it's a good thing they're not handing out condoms either. It might interfere with their rising teen pregnancy rates, higher than they've been in 35 years! That abstinence program sure is working!
I HAVE PROOF. COMMENT AND GET INDIGNANT IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE. I HAVE THE LINK.Relax, Jean, I believe you! I also think it's an idiotic statement and wonder again what the qualifications are to get a degree in journalism where you went to school. I wonder if this is why you didn't make it as a journalist?
Whatever. Keep up the blogging, Jean. You always manage to hurt my eyes.
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