Monday, June 25, 2007

Jeanne asks: If you think you are more Catholic than me, then whyinthehell is your northern parish being closed ...

If you think you are more Catholic than me, then whyinthehell is your northern parish being closed and why is there gay adoptions and marriage?

Jeanne's Original Post

The title of this post states a common theme of this blog. She believes that others think that they are more Catholic than she is. I'm not sure where she gets this idea, but I'm inclined to think it's a sign of insecurity on her part more than an actual problem with people she's met. As for the question posed by the title, it's stunning. There is a separation of church and state in this country. Religion does not dictate to the state what it can and can not do in terms of marriage or adoption. People can. And if those who object for religious reasons are outvoted, then they don't get their way. I wouldn't want it any other way.

Catholic adoption networks have actually been shut down due to their refusal to place adoptive children with gay parents. I have my own feelings about that, but they're not relevant to the blog post being discussed.

"And why are parishes being closed in Good CAAAAAAAAAAAEEEHTHOLICK STATES LIKE MASS ?"

Parishes are being closed for a number of reasons, none of which have to do with how Catholic someone is. I could be the best Catholic ever and I couldn't keep a church open all by myself. I'm not, by the way, just illustrating a point. I can't think of anyone who truly thinks of themselves that way either. That kind of lack of humility would preclude them from being such a great Catholic. She could really lose the weird elongated spelling. It's insulting to her readers (whom she's obviously identified as hostile from her posting style) and hardly makes her seem like a great Catholic either.

"I think the priest scandal says it all. I have yet to see to Legionaire. We look beyond appearance and ABHOR CATHOLIC SHOW OFFS."

Ah, my favorite. The "I'm better than you because I don't act better than you" argument. It's quite common on the blog. She assumes everyone thinks they're a better Catholic than she is while insinuating that she's better than everyone else. Anyone else remember the old plank in the eye scripture?


HOw long have you been like this Mrs. Catholic show off? INSECURE WENCH.

You don't dare bahhhh ther Fahther with your concerns now. Floridian Fahther and that BISHUPPPP THAT YOU ABHOR WILL THROW YOUR ASS OUT."

The hostility in these lines speaks volumes. I don't think it even needs commentary. Again, calling your sister in Christ an "insecure wench" makes you very Catholic. I see.

I wonder as I go to school...........home in a week.

Jeanne's Original Post

This is one of those posts that makes me wonder if Jeanne is really like this in real life, or if this is just an internet persona for her. I wonder if perhaps she's a troll.

An internet troll is defined as:
"In the context of the Internet, a troll is a person who makes inflammatory or comments, which by effect or design cause disruptions in discourse, or a post made by such a person. Trolling can be described as a breaching experiment, which, because of the use of an alternate persona, allows for normal social boundaries and rules of etiquette to be tested or otherwise broken, without serious consequences." Source

I wonder if perhaps she isn't even a Catholic, but writes these posts to get Catholics worked up. If that is her goal I think she's fairly successful. Perhaps not always in getting them worked up, but in at least being offensive while trying.

Nuns and postulants go to church and she's laughing at them? And honestly thinks that God is laughing with her? What kind of God does she believe in that He has so little regard for people who have given their lives in service to Him? Her God sounds like a Jr. Highschooler mocking people for dressing differently.

As for her comment:

I can't help but think that she's projecting a bit. I have never found a more painfully bitter blog in all of my life. I think perhaps it is the blogger herself who really needs some joy. And I hope she finds it, I really do. Joy in herself and in her world and her accomplishments. Not joy that comes from berating or disparaging others.

What kind of a Catholic makes fun of those who've taken Holy Orders? I just don't get that. And as they are Holy Orders, I doubt God gets it either. I don't know who she thinks she hears laughing, but I don't believe that it was God.


Jeanne's Original Post

I don't actually have a problem with Jeanne's frustration with the Republican party taking money from pornographers. It has a slightly hypocritical feel when they're setting themselves up as the "family values" party. Even if I wholly disagreed with her I'd support her right to say it.

Personally, I think Jeanne is shortsighted is in her not seeing many of the same issues in the Democratic party, but that's just me.

But the errors in her post certainly do exist. For example, Fox is also not a Catholic supporting network. There is no such network with the exception of EWTN, which technically isn't a Catholic supporting network but a distinctly Catholic network teaching the faith and sharing news from the Church.

I also think it's dishonest for Jeanne to say:
"I rest my case. I no longer support the Republican party because of him and what he is doing."

She wasn't a Republican long before reading this little news story.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Oh the things these self righteous people would say....

Jeanne's Original Post

Somehow I have little doubt that she has absolutely no idea what the (in her mind) self-righteous people would say.

Well Well wellllllllllllll, this Floridian goeth home in one week:

Well Well wellllllllllllll, this Floridian goeth home in one week: some thoughts and a mention I am on a famous blog

Jeanne's Original Post

"I am on a famous blog. Dr. Marcellino Amb... I guess I don't have to kneel in a perrrrrrrrfect 90 degree angle to be a good insecure Catholic. "
I can't imagine a church service where someone goes around making sure that people are kneeling at perfect 90 degree angles. And I think some of the most inspiring blogs on the net are written by people who struggle with their faith. I've never seen anyone question the blogger's faith. Only how she words her post. Someone is concerned about her being on that blog, however. If you read here there is a comment at the bottom. Just one. And it's someone wondering if the blogger meant to put her blog in his sidebar.
"I am very under pressure and I MISS THE BEACH. REASON: mY OBSERVATIONS AROUND HERE ARE THE REASON WHY. I am shaking my head at thOSE minor abnormal behavior I have observed around here. I am not naming names, but some of this is VERY ABNORMAL. Lace scarves worn by women in church who want to show off. Someone who wears a thick coat/sweater in the 90 degree heat and a scarf on the head that looks awful. I feel sorry for this person because IT IS ABNORMAL TO DO THIS.

THIS PERSON NEEDS PSYCHOLOGICAL HELP. I am nice to this person. Sad but true. "

How does Jeanne know that they're dressing the way they do to show off? Modesty is a very real issue for many women who take it seriously and are trying to find the best way to be modest and honor God. I find it very narrow to think that only people who do it your way are doing it right. The last sentence is another one that is very judgmental. It makes me sad for Jeanne because that kind of bitterness eats away at a person.
"And something else I don't get: why some or most stay about a minute after Mass ends.

Are we not supposed to take Jesus into THE WORLD TO BE SOME EARTHLY GOOD TO THE REST OF THE PLANET?"

I'm glad that she at least phrases the first part of this as a question. I would assume that a few people stay after the Mass ends to pray. But she ruins it after that by insinuating that those who do aren't following God's command. And considering the rest of the post it seems that she may be saying that they too, are just showing off how Holy they are. I'm sad for her that she sees no more than this.
"Why is the rest of the world or the city not converted? Why is (MIDWESTERN WHITE PERSON'S ACCENT) ABB ARRRRRTION STILL LEEEEE GALLL?"

How insulting. Jeanne has a hate on for all persons Northern or Midwestern and frequently makes fun of them in this way. How very Christian of her! I'd like to know what she expects them to do to get abortion made illegal. She's made it clear that she doesn't think the Republican party (to which she assumes all self-righteous Catholics belong) is doing a thing for abortion. But she openly backs a party that supports it's legalization. This is an attempt to bring other Catholics down a peg and put them in her place. As if that's her job.
"Grab an oar, you duh head you are paddling for your life."

I think this sums her attitude up beautifully.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

On the night before the Charismatic Conference...

On the night before the Charismatic Conference at the Franciscan University... I am now in critical thinking mode ready to ask Big Q's

Jeanne's Original Post
"2. And what did the Republican party REALLY DO FOR PRO LIFE = NOTHING. "

There are many answers to this question that can be easily argued by some conservative blogs and websites such as this one. But if you choose to join a political party that openly says they will do nothing, I don't know how you can criticize the other party for not accomplishing more. Especially when they have to fight your party to do so. There are many dedicated Christians in both political parties. My argument is only with her anger at the Republican party for, in her opinion, not doing anything about abortion.
""I am sorry I don't have time to discuss your political disorder, I have four critical graduate level papers to do and articles to read.""

So, she asks these questions, but refuses to discuss them? Because she has things more important to do than discuss an opposing political view (besides, as she pointed out, it's not a political disagreement, it's that those who think differently than she does have a "disorder"). She has big important graduate type things to do. This elitist snob attitude gets old quickly, and seems to be the only thing the blogger has going for her.
"And BTW, 8100 readers can't be wrong. I just might tell them I have a blog to see how duh they are.

And BTW, I turned off my comments. The duh head homeschoolers are the only ones who read it and answer.

I need to ask them "where is your true curriculum?" = control freaks."

So many hits to her blog, and yet, so many comments that disagree with her views that she shut them down. Meanwhile the invitation to comment still stands in her header. Still, it's not a classic FMIFA blog post without the obligatory attack on homeschoolers and the third grade insults. I'm pretty sure I haven't been called a "duh head" since I was at least eight years old.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Jeanne Warns: Watch What You Pray For

Watch what you pray for you may actually see it answered in your lifetime...

Jeanne's Original Post

"Regarding a comment I rejected about homeschooling. Hear this: if you homeschool we should have a levy to increase your millage and tax you on your land even more. This is because since you are willing to allow tax money to be wasted. This is because you are willing to pay double for your child's education and then claim that you cannot afford it for some silly reason.

Duh............. isn't that what we have schools for? I guess you all are willing to pay taxes for nothing.

Ah, another obligatory attack on homeschoolers (insert weary sigh here). I think Jeanne is confused. One of the things we hear over and over is how our schools are underfunded. Homeschoolers who are homeowners pay property taxes that help fund public schools and pay for their own child's education and she thinks that's wrong?

If a parent put their child in a private Catholic school (something the FMIFA blogger seems to not take issue with) they would still fund public schools through property taxes. Why are they not being attacked for wasting money?

And many parents who homeschool can't afford a private school, even if that's what they wanted to do. The private Catholic High School down the street from my house is $10,000 a year. And I have more than one child. My family could not affort that. But more people can afford several hundred dollars for a good Catholic curriculum.

Homeschooling isn't just done because parents don't want to put their kids in public schools, or because they have something against the school system, or because they can't afford a private tuition. Many parents homeschool because they enjoy being with their children, teaching them, and sharing that with them.

The logic in this post is severely flawed. She thinks people are paying double for their children's education. Several thousand dollars are spent per pupil in our local public schools. Considering we have more than one child, what we pay in property taxes wouldn't cover even one of them for the school year.

No one is paying double, Jeanne. And you should thank homeschooling parents who are providing more money to educate the students who are in the public schools and can benefit from it.

"Duh"? Well, I guess this is where we see the journalism degree really paying off.

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Jeanne is: Home in Florida

Home in Florida with Tropical Storm Barry and the tale of the Homeschool Show off nerd that won the Spelling Bee.

Jeanne's Original Post
"If the two people who commented think they are so so great, then why are they not here? If they think they are so wonderful, then why are they not helping the places here that have flooded?"

Once again, Jeanne finds something obscure to make herself feel better. Well, Jeanne, once again I'd bet good money that your commenters never claimed to be better than you, but that it's something that you inferred. Not everyone who disagrees with you thinks they're a better person. They may be a better person, but not solely by virtue of having a different opinion.

I was going to try to explain in simple terms so that Jeanne could understand, but then I realized the problem. It's that darned projection thing again. I believe that she may actually think herself vastly superior to anyone who deigns to have an opinion different than hers and naturally assumes that anyone who cares enough to comment a dissenting opinion on her blog must also have an over-inflated sense of self-importance.

They don't, Jeanne. Really. Get over it.

"Nah, they are gutless hypocrite holier than thous who will not pay your bills and are more than likely on welfare while they are homeschooling. "

Jeanne loves to do this. She continues her relentless attacks on homeschoolers without ever substantiating a single accusation. And if you ask her, she just calls you stupid. Can you hear my eyes rolling? I especially find it interesting when just a few posts later she's saying that we should have to pay extra taxes since we're so willing that our money should be wasted.

Well, which is it, Jeanne? Are we all big spenders wasting our cash on paying for a double education, or are we all mooching off the system? You can't have it both ways.

And quit it with the comments about who pays whose bills. No, I'm not going to pay your bills. But likewise, you're not going to pay mine. So how I raise my children is...let me see...that's right...none of your business. Thanks for playing!

"I am going to Mass after I say this because many people really are not working up to their capacity. I don't care what they think. Got that?"

I thought you didn't care what I thought.
"I take issue with that kid's social skills. He juggled instead of carrying on a real conversation. I want my adopted kids to have real social skills and be able to interact with other kids. Many of those homeschooled kids do not know what is proper and what is not proper. They wear business suits to meetings where you do not usually wear them."

He won a Spelling Bee. What do you know about his social skills? No more than you know about any of their social skills. And since when is school the only place you can get those? Or when did it become guaranteed that one would actually get good social skills in school? I know plenty of people who didn't. Just another assumption on Jeanne's part with nothing to back it up. It's sad, really. It sounds like she's just looking for some reason to take the wind out of the homeschooling sails. I think if a public schooled kid had won she'd be touting it as proof of the value of a public over home education. Jeanne doesn't actually interact with homeschooled kids, if I remember correctly, and wouldn't have the slightest clue what they know.
"And to all y'all who comment: you are insecure and a Catholic show off control freak.

Get to the real issues in this church. Their are people who have trouble making and earning a decent wage so they can put their children where they want.

It costs serious money to live where we do.

Again, you don't pay the bills of the people who live here.

You never intend to and you never will.

Shut up."

Okay. I see...insult...irrelevant point...irrelevant point...non-point...irrelevant point...and Jeanne unable to handle a difference of opinion. Okay, got it. Apparently the proper way to have a blog is to ask for comments that you don't publish, insult your readers, and talk about how open minded you are as long as everyone agrees with you. No Catholic women that I've read are making homeschooling out to be a church issue. Why? Because the church supports it. It's in the Catechism that parents have the primary responsibility for educating their children.
"2221 The fecundity of conjugal love cannot be reduced solely to the procreation of children, but must extend to their moral education and their spiritual formation. "The role of parents in education is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute."29 The right and the duty of parents to educate their children are primordial and inalienable.30" Catechism of the Catholic Church
But I guess that doesn't matter to Jeanne. I'm sure quoting the catechism, not to force others to homeschool, but just to ask that my decision to do so be respected, is just my being a big fat show off.

Thanks, Jeanne. Once again, very enlightening.