Saturday, October 2, 2010

No More Blogging?

Jeanne says she won't be blogging at Find Me In Florida Again anymore.  If that's true, then this blog's activity will probably cease.  If there's nothing to respond to, then there won't be new posts.  If, however, she makes waves elsewhere on the internet, I may discuss it.

But my thoughts on her no longer blogging there?  I can only hope.  Though I will miss the entertainment value from time to time.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Simple Math

I joined the message board where I met Jeanne, five years ago.  I joined because of the support offered after the loss of my daughter.  I met Jeanne on the women's group about four years ago.  How can I have been stalking her all over the internet for 8 years when I didn't know who she was 8 years ago?  8 years ago I was living in California and didn't belong to any message boards at all.

Shame on whoever has been stalking Jeanne in my name since before I knew her.  Or maybe she just needs to work on her Math.

By the way, I know it's been said ad nauseum here but this is the kind of thing that makes me wonder if Jeanne really is who she says she is.  I can't believe she's a teacher and can't tell the difference between a four year online interaction, and 8 years of stalking.

I've been stalked on the internet.  And I blog for a site that has a response blog.  A response blog is not stalking.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I Think Someone Is Angry

Jeanne has informed me in her latest post, that all of her material is now copywrited, and thus, I can't use it.  I'd just like to make clear, for the record (because everyone's keeping a record, I know) that any time I've used Jeanne's material, it has always been quoted appropriately, and links left to the original posts.  Really, this isn't a site to copy all of her posts.  It's more a place for me to share my thoughts since I'm not allowed to comment over there.

I think where Jeanne fails, and bloggers like Amy Welborn don't, is that Amy Welborn can say what she enjoys or thinks about without insulting everyone who disagrees with her.  Jeanne could easily tell us the kind of mom she'd like to be, without insinuating that everyone who does crafts and such with their kids, is crappy.  Mom's are different.  I wasn't a crafty mom, and I'm still not.  But more power to those who are.  It takes all kinds, right?  No one cares if she wants to be a laid back, more hands off mom.  But the idea that other kinds of mom's aren't as good comes across as insulting and judgmental.  I've never been able to wrap my head around how she can see everyone else's judgment of her, but not her judgment of everyone else.  Maybe it's that she thinks her judgment is justified.  I don't know.

I also don't get how her blog is a travel blog.  I kind of see it as a whatever-comes-into-Jeanne's-head kind of a blog.  It's rather scattered and unfocused.  But it's what she wants to write, and it certainly keeps me...entertained.

By the way, Jeanne, in case you're reading this, I think it's op-ed, not ed op.  Really, don't you have a degree in journalism?

I wonder if she's trying to be funny when she writes it that way, has she forgotten, or was her school exceptionally bad?  I just can't tell.  I'm hoping she's just trying to be funny and the humor doesn't come across on the screen.  Otherwise it hurts my head a little.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Bleh Mommy Blogs

Jeanne finally says what most of us have already figured out: she will never be a "bleh mommy blogger".  I get it.  I wonder if it's that she's given up on the dream of adoption and a family, or if she's just decided it's not going to happen for her.  Which ever it is, I hope she has peace with it.  There are just too many hard feelings when it comes to decisions about family to wish anyone anything but peace about it.

I did go and read the link she posted, and I think that blogger may have a point.  The internet is full of Mommy Bloggers.  I myself have been one since 2002.  My blog has been hosted several places, and in it's life had at least 1 reader somewhere, despite long hiatuses.  But I think these blogs are easy to avoid if one wishes to, and obviously there's a market for them if they're so wildly successful.  So, I see no reason to begrudge them their place in the online world.

I get the feeling that Jeanne loves to bash women who are in that place, like myself, where home and family are the center of everything.  And I can't decide if she just really can't stand what she sees as a narrow existence, or if she's secretly sorry that she's never experienced it.  Either way, I think it's time to let it go.  Let the moms be who they are, interested in the things they're interested in, and everyone else can go about their business.  Kids grow up, and our focus will change.  Of course, by then, there will be newer younger moms to take our place.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Prayers, For Me?

Since I doubt Jeanne actually listens to what I've said, though I know she reads it, I'll address this to everyone else.  Once again, I think Jeanne is projecting.  That I'm jealous of her is...let's just say, it's a reach.
She is right about the long Winter, though.  I'm a California girl, and Northern Winters are still something I don't get.  But we have warm coats and good heaters, and snow can even be fun.  Plus, anytime I want to go visit California, I do.  The beauty of airplanes.

I'm grateful that Jeanne has decided to be above posting my address online, a level of vicious I've never sunk to with her.  I discuss what she's posted on this blog, and what I think.  But that's it.  I'm not even sure how long I want to continue to do that.  It's not like she hears me, or will have any kind of reasonable discourse with me. I just dislike the idea of shutting down my blog because she's being a bully.

I already own New In Town, but it was nice of Jeanne to offer me a copy.

I wish she could understand that I grew up close to Universal and Disney, and that working at Disneyland was my first big job.  I've said it before, but it's like she's stuck on how great Florida is and how much I must want to be her.  And when I explain why that's not the case, I only get the same answer.  But it doesn't make me want to live in Florida any more than I did before.  I get how fun it is to live close to big theme parks.  And I still have the option of going when I'd like to.  But those things don't make me want to move to Florida.  Nor do they make me jealous.  Were they supposed to?  I thought she was complaining about my jealousy, but maybe she's just hoping that she'll tell me about the things she likes and I'll get jealous.  I'm not totally sure.  It reminds me of a little kid pointing out her really cool toys, and then saying "Aren't you jealous of me?"  Well, no, not really, but thanks for asking.

I suppose I should be grateful that she's asking for prayers for me (while calling me jealous, histrionic, and showing off) but really, it's not necessary.  I'm doing just fine, thanks.  She should just keep posting about what ever interests her, and when I feel the need to share my thoughts on a subject, I'll do so.  If she doesn't like this blog, she certainly doesn't have to read it.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Cartoons and Odd Sentences....

Sometimes I read Find Me In Florida Again and think, is there ever anything she sees and likes that she doesn't post?  Doesn't she have people in real life that she can share with on occasion?

I'm betting no one is really interested in Cathy cartoons.  I'll bet no one understands what "REALITY CHECK : HERE IS WHERE ALL THE CATHOLICS IN THE USA." means, either.  Probably because they don't understand why a reality check would be necessary, or why she didn't write "here is where all the Catholics in the USA are."    God forbid she give up the caps lock key.  Personally, I have trouble imagining that the same person who put that sentence together holds a degree in journalism and teaches.  Funny, even though I'm not homeschooling now, she's still my argument for why it's sometimes better.

Oh, and note to the incompetent hacker: If you're trying to get the log in information for this blog by having it reset, they send that all through my e-mail, so you'll need to hack that first.  Good luck.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Being A Stay At Home Mom

When I "met" Jeanne four years ago on a message board, she was part of a women's group that I had also joined.  She had a lot to say about women who stayed home with their families.  Like how she wasn't going to pay their bills, how they'd have no retirement, and how she was a totally great wife with a job and a messy house.  I remember that we didn't quite get the animosity.  No one in the group said you had to be a stay-at-home-mom.  I'm a working mom.  Another woman in our group was a doctor.  We had plenty of working women.  But the way I remember it, there was no explaining that to Jeanne.

So, today, she's put up a Cathy cartoon.  One that describes the surprise of an older mom who's daughter decides to stay home with the kids.  The cartoon in and of itself isn't judgmental of the choice.  Neither is Jeanne's title which simply says this is how she feels about most women in their 20s and 30s.  So, I could be totally reading into it.  But to me it looked like one more judgement against women who choose to stay home.

I never have understood the issue with being a stay at home mom.  I thought the point of women's rights was not to force women out of their homes, but to give them a choice, so that they weren't forced to stay in it if their dream was to do something else.  Lots of women love being with their families and caring for them.  I don't get why that wouldn't be as valid a choice as a job outside the home.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hacking In

I have half a dozen password change e-mails from Blogger regarding trying to log into this blog.  I've changed the password, just to be on the safe side.  But that's bizarre.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Take It Down?

So, Jeanne started calling me on Skype last night.  I told her I didn't have time to talk, via skype instant message.  I really didn't.  I was playing a game with my husband and our friends.  But, today, I got on Skpe again.  I really only got on to see if she'd answered me.  She had, and she called again.  Our conversation was thirty seconds long.  She ordered me to take down this site, or she'd report me to the authorities.  She says she's already reported me to Blogger, but  I've heard nothing from them.

I will probably take this site down at some point.  As anyone can see, 39 posts in two years with a one year hiatus, means I don't spend a lot of time here.  But, call me stubborn, I just don't want to because Jeanne has decided to threaten me.

It's totally childish.  I'll own it.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


So, I have a skpe account.  And when I logged on tonight to play Left For Dead (because, yes, I am that kind of geek) I found that Jeanne had requested to be a contact.  She introduced herself as the lady I "mimic".  Well, I don't know that "mimic" is the right word, Jeanne.  I'd like to think that I simply answer you.  That I provide an alternate viewpoint.  But, "mimic"?  No.  Not really.  But thank you for playing.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

We're Wimps

Or should I say "pant pant wimps".  Or maybe "PANT PANT WIMPS" since Jeanne has such a fondness for senseless capitalization.  Jeanne, the loving blogger who last year promised to turn over a new leaf, and follow the peaceful path of St. Francis.  Yes, that blogger, still can't resist insulting her readers as soon as they get to her site.  I'm still waiting for the change, Jeanne.  Where's the peaceful kindness?  The understanding?

I might be waiting a while.

Indian and White Girl Names, too.

Jeanne has improved on the African American names list, by adding a post with links to videos of white and Indian names also.  Somehow, that didn't make it better.

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Dear Jeanne,

I know being a Floridian is a huge part of your persona.  I don't totally get it, but I respect that it's part of your self identity.  But I feel that this is a good time to explain something to you: There are 49 other states.  No, really, and just as you've said that God loves the swamps, it has to be possible at least that He loves the 49 other states (that He created, remember) just as much.

I know this will come as a shock to you, but people love the other 49 states as well, and actually choose to live in them.  I am from Southern California, and thus, have had my fill of beaches and ocean.  I'm actually not a big fan of the humidity in Florida and prefer my native California to it.  I know that's hard to believe.  But in fact, a number of years ago when we moved our family due to my husband's job, we actually had the choice to move to Tampa, and chose Minnesota (with it's snow and all) over the Sunshine State.

I have no doubt that Florida has many wonderful qualities.  Truly.  But not everyone wants to move there.  And your insistence that we do, followed by your apparent threats that we'll hate it when we get there because we'll be outsiders, doesn't recommend it to us.

By all means, love your state.  But it would be lovely if you could entertain the idea that other people love theirs, too.


The woman you hoped the Gators would eat when she got to Florida

Top 60 Ghetto Names?

Really, Jeanne?  Really?  The woman who appears to pride herself on her progressive thinking, thinks this is an appropriate post?  I know I should have a more developed response, but all I can think of is, really?

Updated Look?

I used to try to make this blog look as much like a mirrored copy of Jeanne's as possible.  But, to be honest, her blog has gotten so garish, I no longer can stand to keep mine the same.  I love a customized blog as much as the next girl, but hers has become downright painful for me to look at.

So, I'll keep mine as I wish, and will at least let the posts mirror hers.  I hope no one minds that I take a break from time to time.  Sometimes she's just too much for me.

Peace!  (Well, you know, as much as any uptight Northern Homeschooler can desire such a thing)

Friday, July 30, 2010

The Faith And Family Debacle

Interestingly, I got Facebook messages about the Faith and Family comments Jeanne made.  By the time I went to check it out, her comments had been removed.  But it seems Jeanne had the effect she usually does.  First she left readers perplexed, and then offended.  But you know, what can people expect?  After all, we can't all be super-cool Floridians who know everything.  Some of us are getting by without all of Jeanne's wisdom all the time.  Some of us don't totally get Jeanne's wisdom and wonder if she does?  What does it sound like in her head, and how is it that someone who is supposedly a published writer has such difficulty expressing herself through the written word online?

So many questions, so little time.  So, what exactly happened, anyway?

The Faith And Family Live! site apparently spends one day a week talking about marriage.  The post seemed innocuous enough.  It was a call to encourage people to share about marriage.  No big deal, right?  Only to Jeanne, I think marriage and family is always a big deal, and I've never seen her react to what has actually been written.  This was no exception.

The comments responses are quite telling, and worth a read.  I can gather that Jeanne must have said something about women not being able to think for themselves.  A thought that wouldn't come up at all from what was actually written thus far in the post and comments.

Due to the comment being (as per her usual) incoherent and totally out of place, not to mention generally uncharitable and generally antagonistic, it was removed by the Admin.

In response, Jeanne wrote a scathing blog post.  Once again, she was being censored.  Not because she rambles, insults, and is thoroughly unkind and condescending.  No! Of course not!  It's because people are mean and unwilling to have their minds opened by the gracious Floridian.  She goes off, responding to things that simply weren't there, but which she believes to have been there, just under the surface.

Jeanne is a great Catholic, and believes that people should be Catholic.  And yet appears to despise other Catholic women.  I don't get it.  I think Freud would have some ideas though...